Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Sequestration

The carbon capture market is growing

Described as the practice of capturing and removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it, carbon sequestration is here to stay. BETA is involved in projects on the leading front of this new and evolving industry. Ownership of those rights vary from state to state as do evolving contractual agreements.

There are increasing opportunities for agricultural producers to see financial benefit for sequestering carbon in their soils. For instance, there are now federal tax credits available for carbon capture and storage.

We also see that multiple industries can benefit from sequestering carbon :

  • Fertilizer (ammonia)
  • Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal)
  • Power
  • Steel
  • Manufacturing

Our team uses an experienced approach and quality management systems to provide efficient carbon storage services in projects of any size and complexity. Align yourself with a company already in the discussion in multiple states.